Mount Kelvin
Price list for additional work in projects

This price list applies when no other prices are agreed upon in the project agreement. Price list is applicable to work conducted during a delivery project of a Mount Kelvin system. For post-project maintenance pricing, please refer to servicing price list.

Pricing applies to additional work not arising as a result of issues due to Mount Kelvin. We aim to prevent situations where additional work is needed, and when this is not possible, try to allow other parties to correct possible issues during or before a site visit. When this is not possible, the below pricing is applied.

Work category Price
Additional site visit, Helsinki Metropolitan Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen 300 € / visit
Additional site visit, rest of Finland 700 € / kerta
Additional site visit, International 1200 € + travel, lodging and daily allowance costs / visit
Electrical issue resolution and analysis Minimum duration 2h 100 € /h
Electrical plan review and corrections Minimum duration 1h 120 € / h
Remote commissioning and configuration Minimum duration 1h 80 € / h

All prices VAT0%, time tracking at beginning of hour in 1 hour increments.


Example 1: Incomplete installation prevents commissioning

Mount Kelvin representative arrives at site at designated commissioning start date. The site is missing controllers from most lights and the commissioning cannot be performed effectively. An additional site visit will be charged in accordance with the price list.

Example 2: Incomplete installation, repairable

Mount Kelvin staff arrive at the site to find that some of the luminaires are not working due to bulbs not being installed in luminaires. Mount Kelvin staff will repair some of the defective installations and make a fault list of the rest. The remainder of the commissioning process can be completed remotely. Installation repairs and the preparation of a fault list will be charged according to the hourly price list.

Example 3: Changes to electrical plans

The electrical plans provided to Mount Kelvin are missing luminaire positions and motion sensors have no power cables. Mount Kelvin will update the plans to be compatible with the system. The work is charged according to the hourly price list for electrical design.